At ERLO Group we are happy to announce that,
We have launched our new website!
With a lot more modern, simple, intuitive and dynamic design, seeking to facilitate navigation while improving the experience of use. The new website shows in a very simple way the evolution of ERLO Group and the three core activities or businesses of the Group: Standard Product (Drills and Units), Customized Solutions IBERMACH and ERLO Service, so that the user can access through a single click the business of interest.
On it you will have the possibility to navigate among our main sections where data about our products and services have been updated. As a novelty, you can discover the recently incorporated "Success Cases" section where examples of real solutions are collected along with their contribution and aggregated value, graphic documentation and customer testimonials that are currently enjoying the benefits that the ERLO Group solution has provided them with.
The website has been built to be sensitive to the different dimensions of screens and navigation devices to optimize the experience of use at any device, time and place.
Being loyal to our philosophy for innovation and development of new solutions, the website does not end here and, as soon as possible, a new functionality / section for E-commerce will be added in order to offer the possibility of purchasing standard products on it.
In addition, we are very proud to be able to say that the project has been completed together with Xare Sistemas, a company that has worked with us since the beginning of the project with an open and positive attitude.
Take a look at our webpage and social media channels (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube y LinkedIn) – we would like to know your opinion.
For any comments or requests for information do not hesitate to send an email through our contact form available on our webpage.